人格心理学 人格心理学是心理学的一门重要的分支学科。它研究现实的人,探求、描述和揭示个人思想、情绪及行为的独特模式,并综合诸多足以影响个人的各种环境交互作用的过程,包括与生物学的、发展的、认知的、情绪的、动机的和社会的种种交互作用,进而对现实社会中的个人作整体性解释。人格心理学所探讨的问题十分令人神往;诸如人的本性是善的还是恶的?还是非善非恶的?人的意志是自由的,还是有某种控制不了的原因所决定的;人的性格是一层不变的,还是可以改变的?人的行为是主动,还是被动的;以及什么是健康人格、怎样测量人格、怎样改变异常行为等等。这些问题不断地吸引学者们不倦的探索,其研究成果也已不断地广泛应用于生活实践中....
(又名:碧 苑 坛 经 )大清高士全真演教龙门承律第七代昆阳子王常月演第八代戒弟子施守平纂,第十一代宗裔闵一得订正卷 首 一、心法真言 康熙二年,岁在癸卯,十月之吉,昆阳子说戒于金陵碧苑。谓凝真子邵守善,扶摇子詹守椿曰:“余自髫年慕道,识透浮生不实,幻境无常,要免轮回,早修至道。但崆峒虽近,广成子未许相逢;蓬岛非遥,凡夫身安能得到。务必远离污染,扫尽尘埃,涤荡心胸,洁涓志虑,消磨结习而俗念如灰,淘汰欲身而妄根截断。诸缘顿息,俱从戒定中一步步行来;万虑归空,悉自智慧里一层层看到。拔得开则孥得定,看得透则忍得来。是以竖起眉毛,手掣割情刀子;放开脚步,直登渡世般儿。翻身则解脱轮回,转念则超离罗网。悲心不泯,古云自度度他;慈愿常存,我欲自度度彼。”...
谁推动了农产品价格疯涨sina 2010年12月10日 18:29 《理财周刊》 文前提要:历来以直言敢谏而深得老百姓喜爱的著名经济学家郎咸平对农产品(17.70,-0.22,-1.23%)涨价风潮的前因后果有着独到而深刻的见解。 文:郎咸平 有人说下半年以来,以农产品为主的生活必需品涨价是多重因素所致,比如天灾减产、成本上升、通胀预期、游资炒作、国际价格传导等等。有人问我是怎么看的,我觉得最关键的是一些农产品炒家垄断了货源,大肆炒作,从而在农产品市场上翻手为云,覆手为雨。 炒家“四步走”炒高蒜价 我就以这两年炒得最凶的“蒜你狠”(大蒜)来说吧。炒家为什么看上了大蒜呢?首先,大蒜不是很起眼,普通百姓一天了不起买一颗大蒜,就算涨了40倍,也没什么感觉。但如果是猪肉大米就不行。涨个10%政府就会调查。二是产量必须非常集中,这样才好操纵。全国70%的大蒜都产自山东金乡,交易量占到全国的90%。三是产量不能太大...
猪猪手机书 zzmo-A DOG IN THE MANGER因为文化传统的关系,狗在英语语言中都被当作忠实、可爱、聪敏的象征,因此与之有关的短语也大多为褒义之词,但 a dog in the manger 则属例外。从字面来看,A dog in the manger 是指『马厩里的狗』,读者可能觉得奇怪了,狗怎么跑到马厩里去了呢?要解释清楚这个短语的实际含义,还得『追根溯源』。这个短语最早出现于《伊索预言》,故事的梗概是:一匹马和一条牛正在马厩里吃草。这时,一条狗闯进来了,它十分霸道地要马和牛都走开。马和牛十分温和地对它说:可是你是不吃草的呀!这条狗却蛮不讲理地说:我是不吃草,可是我不吃的东西也不能让你们白吃!这样,这条狗霸占了盛满稻草的马槽,却赶走了以草为生的马和牛。而它自己呢,也只能看着稻草而不能吃。...
It was Jackstraw who heard it first-it was always Jackstraw, whose hearing was an even match for his phenomenal eyesight, who heard things first. Tired of having my exposed hands alternately frozen, I had dropped my book, zipped my sleeping-bag up to the chin and was drowsily watching him carving figurines from a length of inferior narwhal tusk when his hands suddenly fell still and he sat quite motionless. Then, unhurriedly as always, he dropped the piece of bone into the coffee-pan that simmered gently by the side of our oil-burner stove-curio collectors paid fancy pr
文前部分 开场白:我必须亲自去看一看倘若高特兰谷地坐落在英格兰乡间,一定会当选为“绝美的自然风景区”,某个成功的维多利亚实业家会跑到它的最高处竖上一座石碑,之后成千上万的人每年趁着假期来瞻仰它的风采。可惜它却坐落在尼泊尔北边的喜马拉雅山麓,成了“平平无奇”的一处山谷,放眼看不到人烟。我在这儿只碰上了一位满脸皱纹的老人。他向我介绍自己说,他名叫纳加,受雇于本地的僧侣,给寺庙当看门人。我们在寺门外静静地坐到了一起。纳加的工作挺是“繁重”,他一边吸着本地植物做成的草药烟卷儿,一边把找到的牦牛肉晒干。我婉谢了他递给我的生肉,可对草药烟卷儿很好奇,便凑过去用鼻子闻了闻。我听着远处传来的牛铃声,望着前面山巅上牵着牦牛的一支商队,感觉有点儿兴奋。...
A MATTER OF MILLIONS THE Clipper smacked the blue of Biscayne Bay and settled into a lazy squat, from which it taxied toward a landing. An audible sigh of relief came from the roped-off crowd that lined the shore of Dinner Key. Little wonder that the sigh was heard, for the throng was immense. Seldom did the population of Miami, citizen and tourist, assemble en masse at the Marine Airways Base to witness the arrival of a Clipper plane. But the winged ship just in from the Caribbean was worthy of a huge turnout. Not only because its passengers were something of celebri
July. Heat. In the city, they are synonymous, they are identical, they mean one and the same thing. In the 87th Precinct, they strut the streets with a vengeance, these twin bitches who wear their bleached blond hair and their bright-red lipstick slashes, who sway on glittering rhinestone slippers, who flaunt their saffron silk. Heat and July, they are identical twins who were born to make you suffer. The air is tangible. You can reach out to touch it. It is sticky and clinging, you can wrap it around you like a viscous overcoat. The asphalt in the gutters has turned to
Planet Earth rolled on in ever decreasing circles around the sun. As it had been carrying on in this fashion for more years than anyone cared to remember, there seemed no cause for immediate alarm. Not that things were exactly a bundle of laughs down on old terra firma at the present time, oh dear me, no. Things had never been quite the same since, in a moment of gay abandonment, outgoing US president Wayne L. Wormwood had chosen to press the nuclear button just as the New Year bells were gaily chiming in the arrival of the twenty-first century.This generally unwele turn i
Anselme, who has ever been acknowledged as the first and perhaps the greatest of all the troubadours of Arbonne, was of modest birth, the youngest son of a clerk in the castle of a baron near Cauvas. He was of middling height, dark haired, with a quiet manner in speech that was nonetheless wondrously pleasing to all who heard him. While yet tender in years, he showed great skill and interest in music and was invited to join the celebrated choir of the Cauvas sanctuary of the god. It was not long, however, before he felt the beginnings of a desire to make music very dif
欢迎访问:3GebookPassage One (Clinton Is Right)President Clinton’s decision on Apr.8 to send Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji packing without an agreement on China’s entry into the World Trade Organization seemed to be a massive miscalculation. The President took a drubbing from much of the press, which had breathlessly reported that a deal was in the bag. The Cabinet and Whit House still appeared divided, and business leaders were characterized as furious over the lost opportunity. Zhu charged that Clinton lacked “the courage” to reach an accord. And when Clinton later telephoned th