明 元贤辑 7卷 No. 1605-A 继灯录序 禅家历世相传喻之为灯取其能破暗以显物亦取其能继照于无尽也自宋景德间道原大师始为传灯嗣是则有广灯续灯联灯普灯之作所述互有详略学者难以尽考由是大川济公合之为会元始终一贯后学便之功至渥也若绍定以后诸师会元未及收者犹赖续灯收之但采录未备且止于宋末元初自元以至今日将四百载诸师霾光铲彩未获著明于世伊谁之责乎愚不自揣乃于戊子之春博采旁搜冀以缉补前阙至庚寅夏复得远门柱公所辑五灯续略益补其所未备无何而病作殊剧历三月始愈愈则目加昏耳加聋手亦不能复亲笔砚故其所录尚阙成化以下盖止乎其所不得不止也录凡六卷名之曰继灯或谓禅家贵在心悟语言文字其糟粕也何必连编累牍牵枝引蔓如五灯耶况又益之为继灯耶是不知言可以障道亦可以载道执之则精醇即为糟粕了之则糟粕皆为精醇言顾可尽废欤至其所录或详或略则亦因其时与机之不同其势不得不然也如少林面壁二祖安心此则上古结绳之...
By P. G. Wodehouse 1 In a day in June, at the hour when London moves abroad in quest of lunch, a young man stood at the entrance of the Bandolero Restaurant looking earnestly up Shaftesbury Avenuea large young man in excellent condition, with a pleasant, good-humoured, brown, clean-cut face. He paid no attention to the stream of humanity that flowed past him. His mouth was set and his eyes wore a serious, almost a wistful expression. He was frowning slightly. One would have said that here was a man with a secret sorrow. William FitzWilliam Delamere Chalmers, Lord Dawlis
一. 基督教 基督教(英语:christianity、拉丁语:Christianismus)是以信仰耶稣基督为救世主的宗教。天主教(拉丁语:Ecclesiam catholicam)、新教(德语:Protestantismus、法语:Protestantisme、英语:Protestantism)、东正教、基督教马龙派等统称基督教——中文中“基督教”往往特指新教(又俗称“耶稣教”),三大教派(天主教、东正教和新教)和基督教马龙派的统称一般用“基督宗教”这个词。但在本词条中,“基督教”指“基督宗教”,即总称,而不是新教。 目前基督教在全世界有约22亿信徒,为拥有信徒最多,全球分布最广,对世界影响最深远的宗教,现在以亚洲、非洲的信徒的发展最快。 从476年罗马帝国分裂至1453年东罗马帝国灭亡。基督教分裂为罗马天主教和东正教(1054年)马丁?路德1517年 加尔文...
Red Nails Jewels of Gwahlur Beyond the Black River RED NAILS For some two years, as captain of the Wastrel, Conan continues a highly successful career as a freebooter. However, the other Zingaran pirates, jealous of the outlander in their midst, at last bring him down off the coast of Shem. Escaping inland and hearing that wars are in the offing along the borders of Stygia, Conan joins the Free panions, a band of condottieri under the mand of one Zarallo. Instead of rich plunder, however, he finds himself engaged in uneventful guard duty in the border post
IWORMALLY there are only two types of marine machines concerned with the discovery and recovery of oil from under the ocean floor. The first, mainly engaged in the discovery of oil, is a self-propelled vessel, sometimes of very considerable size. Apart from its towering drilling derrick, it is indistinguishable from any oceangoing cargo vessel; its purpose is to drill boreholes in areas where seismological and geological studies suggest oil may exist. The technical operation of this activity is highly plex, yet these vessels have achieved a remarkable level of success. H
第一编 总则 第一条 为保障煤矿安全生产和职工人身安全,防止煤矿事故,根据《煤炭法》、《矿山安全法》和《煤矿安全监察条例》,制定本规程。 第二条 在中华人民共和国领域从事煤炭生产和煤矿建设活动,必须遵守本规程。 第三条 煤矿企业必须遵守国家有关安全生产的法律、法规、规章、规程、标准和技术规范。 煤矿企业必须建立、健全各级领导安全生产责任制、职能机构安全生产责任制、岗位人员安全生产责任制。 煤矿企业应建立、健全安全目标管理制度、安全奖惩制度、安全技术措施审批制度、安全隐患排查制度、安全检查制度、安全办公会议等制度。 煤矿企业必须建立各种设备、设施检查维修制度,定期进行检查维修,并做好记录。...
联邦官僚机构是如何运作的(1981)(这条文章已经被阅读了1075次) 时间:2000年09月29日 15:14 来源:李永红 传媒普利策新闻奖获奖作品:联邦官僚机构是如何运作的(1981) [新闻背景] 索尔·佩特,1918年生子新泽西州帕赛伊克,获密苏里大学新闻学位。初入报界时在《纽约每日新闻》当本市新闻主编。1946年加入美联社,先后在底特律分社、芝加哥分社和纽约分社工作,是美联社7名特派记者之一。 索尔·佩特以他对大量专题报道驾轻就熟的处理与把握而闻名。他为美联社撰写的这一部新闻作品中的鸿篇巨制详细剖析了联邦政府的官僚机构。在这篇文章里他穿插了大量历史与现实事件、匿名的官僚、饱受磨难的典型市民形象,构成了一篇结构紧凑,情节流畅的特稿。这篇文章虽然几近20,000字,并且有100个数字散落其间,但却因对细节的详尽描写及巨大的容量,给读者留下了深刻的印象。佩特以大量真实有趣的故事来细述民众对...
A sea of mist drifted through the cloud forest: soft, grey, luminescent. On the high ridges the fog showed brighter as the morning sun began to warm and lift the moisture, although in the ravine a cool, soundless dimness still counterfeited a pre-dawn twilight. mander Cordelia Naismith glanced at her team botanist and adjusted the straps of her biological collecting equipment a bit more fortably before continuing her breathless climb. She pushed a long tendril of fog-dampened copper hair out of her eyes, clawing it impatiently toward the clasp at the nape of her neck. The
Chapter 1The great fish moved silently through the night water, propelled by short sweeps of its crescent tail. The mouth was open just enough to permit a rush of water over the gills. There was little other motion: an occasional correction of the apparently aimless course by the slight raising or lowering of a pectoral fin - as a bird changes direction by dipping one wing and lifting the other. The eyes were sightless in the black, and the other senses transmitted nothing extraordinary to the small, primitive brain. The fish might have been asleep, save for the movement d
JOB INTERVIEW Jack Torrance thought: Officious little prick. Ullman stood five-five, and when he moved, it was with the prissy speed that seems to be the exclusive domain of all small plump men. The part in his hair was exact, and his dark suit was sober but forting. I am a man you can bring your problems to, that suit said to the paying customer. To the hired help it spoke more curtly: This had better be good, you. There was a red carnation in the lapel, perhaps so that no one on the street would mistake Stuart Ullman for the local undertaker. As he listened to Ull
92万像素的720P和207万像素的1080i哪个更清晰?视觉暂留效果P比i提高30-50%,因而720P等于或优于1080i,越运动的画面P比i提高越大,1080i平均只不过是1288x725 TVL720P和1080i实际上人眼主观清晰度相差无几,另有人算出P的人眼主观感受是其扫描线的90% 720P 约=648行i的人眼主观感受是其扫描线的70% 1080i约=765行1080i仅有106行优势,但在运动画面优势急剧下降甚至于反败.任何隔行都会降低分辨率25%,而研发现拍摄运动物体P的分辨率几乎是i的二倍.1080i虽超过1000个扫描线但每场仅540扫描线分二次完成,哪怕是静止画面仍存在闪烁爬行现象,显示精细画面的能力打了折扣.美国日本正强调从早期的1080i向突出信号质量的720P转变.720/60P是最高格式,需行频达45kHz,而1080/60i为33.75kHz,1080/50i就更低了仅需28.125kHz. 情人眼里出西施,有人喜欢720P的稳定画面,有人喜欢1080i的较高清晰度....
【Alt】+【BackSpace】或【Alt】+【Del】弹出“填充”对话框 【Shift】+【BackSpace】从历史记录中填充 【Alt】+【Ctrl】+【Backspace】关闭当前图像 【Ctrl】+【W】打开“预置”对话框 【Ctrl】+【K】显示最后一次显示的“预置”对话框 【Alt】+【Ctrl】+【K】设置“常规”选项(在预置对话框中) 【Ctrl】+【1】设置“存储文件”(在预置对话框中) 【Ctrl】+【2】设置“显示和光标”(在预置对话框中) 【Ctrl】+【3】设置“透明区域与色域”(在预置对话框中) 【Ctrl】+【4】设置“单位与标尺”(在预置对话框中) 【Ctrl】+【5】设置“参考线与网格”(在预置对话框中) 【Ctrl】+【6】设置“增效工具与暂存盘”(在预置对话框中) 【Ctrl】+【7】...