1.1段落段落是构成文章的一组句子。段落必须表达完整的意思:或描写事物(describesomething),或争论某事(argueabout something),或对某事提出疑问(questionsomething),或要求什么(demandsomething),或给事物下定义(definesomething),或驳斥某观点(rejectsomething)。1.2典型段落的构成一个典型的段落通常由三部分组成:(1)主题句(the topic sentence);(2)说明或支持主题的推展句( supporting sentences);(3)结论句(theconcluding sentence)(有些段落没有该部分)。示范段落1-1We all know that cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit because it...
To love, and bear; to hope till Hope creates From its own wreck the thing it contemplates. Percy Bysshe Shelley, Prometheus Unbound Prologue False Angels JERUSALEM The wound was their path. Nathan Lee Swift sat strapped in the belly of the cargo helicopter with a dozen assorted archangels, looking down upon what little remained. The earthquake was visible mostly by what was no longer visible. Cities and villages had simply vanished in puffs of dust. Even his ruins were gone. The map had gone blank. The air was hot. It was summer. There was no horizon. The sands stretched
This tale grew in the telling, until it became a history of the Great War of the Ring and included many glimpses of the yet more ancient history that preceded it. It was begun soon after The Hobbit was written and before its publication in 1937; but I did not go on with this sequel, for I wished first to plete and set in order the mythology and legends of the Elder Days, which had then been taking shape for some years. I desired to do this for my own satisfaction, and I had little hope that other people would be interested in this work, especially since it was primarily
I GO TO STYLES THE intense interest aroused in the public by what was known at the time as ``The Styles Case' has now somewhat subsided. Nevertheless, in view of the world-wide notoriety which attended it, I have been asked, both by my friend Poirot and the family themselves, to write an account of the whole story. This, we trust, will effectually silence the sensational rumours which still persist. I will therefore briefly set down the circumstances which led to my being connected with the affair. I had been invalided home from the Front; and, after spending some month
It was oven hot, and it was Sunday. In the air traffic tower, the control operator at Brady Air Force Base lit a cigarette from a still glowing butt, propped his stocking feet on top of a portable air conditioner and waited for something to happen. He was totally bored, and for good reason. Air traffic was slow on Sundays. In fact, it was nearly nonexistent Military pilots and their aircraft rarely flew on that day in the Mediterranean Theatre of Operations, particularly since no international political trouble was brewing at the moment. Occasionally a plane might
通信行业最齐全的英语缩语手册(已粘贴出)通信行业最齐全的英语缩语手册A&EM Alarm & Event Management 告警与事件管理A&VE Audio / Video Editor 音频/视频编辑器A-A Analog-Analog 模模A-D Analog-Digital 模数A/D Analog / Digital 模拟/数字A/V Audio / Video 音频/视频A/VP Audio / Video Panel 音频视频面板AA Absolute Address 绝对地址AA Access Agent 访问代理AA Arrival Angl 入射角AA Automatic Alarm call 自动报警呼叫AA Automatic Answer 自动应答AA/G Application Agent / Gateway 应用代理/网关AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting 验证、授权和帐户...
December 29th: A lone figure, hunched down against the howling winter wind, moved step by frozen step through the Colorado wilderness. He was ill clad for such a winter trek, wearing soft thin boots and a clinging mauve with-sparkles tunic. His only defenses against the cold were an engineer cap on his platinum-blond thin hair and a scarf made of an old piece of furniture fabric wrapped several times around his thin pale neck. The wanderer was nearly frozen to death, his cracked and bleeding gloveless hands shoved into small pockets lined with tissue paper. His pale face
第1节:第一章(1) 第一章 我是怎么从一个鉴宝师成为一个盗墓贼的,这还得从我所在的单位倒闭的那一年说起。我原来的单位是一家拍卖公司,在北京的拍卖圈里也算略有些名气,可就是因为这点名气,惹起了其他同行的嫉妒,被几家拍卖公司联合起来挤压我们,最后单位被逼无奈宣告破产。 单位突然解体的消息,让我有点措手不及。虽然在这之前,我对此也略有耳闻,心里也有点准备,并且开始联系其他单位,但是实在想不到这一天会来得这么快。更让我措手不及的是,我必须即日搬出单位宿舍楼。北京租房的规矩向来是押一付三,房租贵得吓死人,而我又是典型的“月光族”,手上有多少钱就花多少钱的主,所以光靠单位那点解散费,想在北京租个房子明显是不大可能的。更何况还得吃饭,还有其他交通费用和通讯费用还没算呢。再加上时间紧迫,上午领导宣布解散,下午就得搬家,就算手头有钱,一时也找不到房子。无奈之下,我只好...
(2009-2011年) 现代物流业是融合运输、仓储、装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送、货代和信息等行业与社会化大生产紧密结合的新型服务业,其核心是突出系统整合的理念,运用信息技术和供应链管理技术进行有机整合一体化运作,是社会化大生产的一种新的组织形式和管理技术,涉及领域广,吸纳就业人数多,促进生产、拉动消费作用大,对加快产业结构调整、转变经济发展方式和增强国民经济竞争力具有重要意义。为应对国际金融危机的影响,落实党中央、国务院保增长、扩内需、调结构的总体要求,促进物流业、商贸业平稳较快发展,培育新的经济增长点,特制定本规划。 一、发展现状及面临形势 (一)发展现状。近几年来,我省现代物流业得到较快发展,发展环境和条件不断完善,服务水平显著提升,企业经济效益和社会效益逐步提高,物流业已经进入了整合、推进、提升的新阶段。全省社会物流总额63950.9亿元。从事物流业的企业500...