《神仙传》神仙传 晋·葛洪序 洪著内篇,论神仙之事,凡二十卷。弟子滕升问曰:“先生曰神仙可得不死,可学古之神仙者,岂有其人乎?”答曰:“昔秦大夫阮仓,所记有数百人,刘向所钻撰,又七十一人。盖神仙幽隐,与世异流,世之所闻者,尤千不及一者也。故宁子入火而凌烟,马皇见迎以获龙,方回咀嚼以云母,赤将茹葩以随风,涓子饵水以著经,啸父烈火以无穷,务光游渊以脯薤,仇生却老以食松,邛疏服石以鍊形,琴高乘鲤于砀中,桂父改色以龟脑,女丸七十以增容,陵阳吞无脂以登高,商丘咀菖蒲以不终,雨师炼五色以厉夫,子光辔虬雷于玄涂,周晋跨素禽于缑氏,轩辕控飞龙于鼎湖,葛由策木羊于绥山,陆通匝遐纪于黄庐,萧史乘凤而轻举,东方飘衣于京都,犊子灵化以沦神,主柱飞行于丹砂,阮丘长存于睢岭,英氏乘鱼以登遐,脩羊陷石于西岳,马丹回风以电徂,鹿翁陟险而流泉,园客蝉蜕于五华。余今复抄集古之仙者,见于仙经服食方及...
1. 请求建立商业关系的英文书信 Rogers Chemical Supply Co. 10E.22Street Omaha8,Neb Gentlemen: We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan , and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations.If your prices are petitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply. Very truly yours...
On August 23, the day before the hurricane struck, Max and Bonnie Lamb awoke early, made love twice and rode the shuttle bus to Disney World. That evening they returned to the Peabody Hotel, showered separately, switched on the cable news and saw that the storm was heading directly for the southeastern tip of Florida. The TV weatherman warned that it was the fiercest in many years. Max Lamb sat at the foot of the bed and gazed at the color radar image-a ragged flame-colored sphere, spinning counterclockwise toward the coast. He said, "Jesus, look at that."...
Doyne Farmer and Alletta Belin, 1992 There are many people, including myself, who are quite queasy about the consequences of this technology for the future. K. Eric Drexler, 1992 Introduction Artificial Evolution in the Twenty-first Century The notion that the world around us is continuously evolving is a platitude; we rarely grasp its full implications. We do not ordinarily think, for example, of an epidemic disease changing its character as the epidemic spreads. Nor do we think of evolution in plants and animals as occurring in a matter of days or weeks, though it do
中华人民共和国公务员法(2005年4月27日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十五次会议通过)第一章 总则 第一条 为了规范公务员的管理,保障公务员的合法权益,加强对公务员的监督,建设高素质的公务员队伍,促进勤政廉政,提高工作效能,根据宪法,制定本法。 第二条 本法所称公务员,是指依法履行公职、纳入国家行政编制、由国家财政负担工资福利的工作人员。 第三条 公务员的义务、权利和管理,适用本法。 法律对公务员中的领导成员的产生、任免、监督以及法官、检察官等的义务、权利和管理另有规定的,从其规定。 第四条 公务员制度坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,贯彻社会主义初级阶段的基本路线,贯彻中国共产党的干部路线和方针,坚持党管干部原则。...
In what felt to him like the first cold morning of the world, he groped for fire. It was a high place where he searched, a lifeless, wind-scoured place, a rough, forbidding shelf of black and splintered rock. Snow, driven by squalls of frigid air, streamed across the black rock in white powder, making shifting veils of white over layers of gray ancient ice that was almost as hard as the rock itself. Dawn was in the sky, but still hundreds of kilometers away, as distant as the tiny sawteeth of the horizon to the northwest. The snowfields and icefields along that far ed
A few years ago, while I was writing Flood Tide, I realized that Dirk Pitt needed some help on a particular assignment, and so I dreamed up Juan Cabrillo. Cabrillo ran a ship called the Oregon, on the outside pletely nondescript, but on the inside packed with state-of-the-art intelligence-gathering equipment. It was a pletely private enterprise, available for any government agency that could afford it. It went where no warship could go, transported secret cargo without suspicion, plucked data out of the airit was the perfect plement to NUMA. In fact, I had so much fun wri
//为了方便阅读,所以我根据矿业大学的PDF版本,使用软件转换,并手工校正。//邵子扬 2009年9月-11月//林卫华转载于玩家网影视梦工厂 2009年11月25日 (需要转载的朋友希望加入说明)科学发明家特斯拉传记译者的话很少有人知道。为整个近代工业和电气文明注入了生命活力——发明了交流发电和供电系统的是一位名字叫S·N·特斯拉的天才发明家。人们仅知道马可尼最早获得了发明无线电的荣誉,大概没有人知道使无线电得以成功的基本装置,特斯拉早几年既发明出来了。他本人在世纪之交有过许多发明和发现,为一系列现代技术成就打下了基础。但就是这样一位天才人物,却很少被后人提起。特斯拉和T·爱迪生是同代人;他们曾经是合作者,但又是对头。爱迪生蜚声遐迩,相形之下特斯拉却默默无闻。...
1固定电容器的检测 A 检测10pF以下的小电容。因10pF以下的固定电容器容量太小,用万用表进行测量,只能定性的检查其是否有漏电,内部短路或击穿现象。测量时,可选用万用表R×10k挡,用两表笔分别任意接电容的两个引脚,阻值应为无穷大。若测出阻值(指针向右摆动)为零,则说明电容漏电损坏或内部击穿。 B 检测10PF~0.01μF固定电容器是否有充电现象,进而判断其好坏。万用表选用R×1k挡。两只三极管的β值均为100以上,且穿透电流要小。可选用3DG6等型号硅三极管组成复合管。万用表的红和黑表笔分别与复合管的发射极e和集电极c相接。由于复合三极管的放大作用,把被测电容的充放电过程予以放大,使万用表指针摆幅度加大,从而便于观察。应注意的是:在测试操作时,特别是在测较小容量的电容时,要反复调换被测电容引脚接触A、B两点,才能明显地看到万用表指针的摆动。 C 对于0.01μF以上的固定电容,可用万用表的R×10k挡直...