LUCY LOOKS INTO A WARDROBE ONCE there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. This story is about something that happened to them when they were sent away from London during the war because of the air-raids. They were sent to the house of an old Professor who lived in the heart of the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station and two miles from the nearest post office. He had no wife and he lived in a very large house with a housekeeper called Mrs Macready and three servants. (Their names were Ivy, Margaret and Betty, but they do
中国古代第一间谍奇书:间书 作者:(清)朱蓬甲 第一部分 第1节:序言:古人使间今人用谋 序言:古人使间今人用谋 中国古人称间谍为"间"。"间"字的本意是"空隙"、"缝隙",后来发展为对敌方制造可乘之机,趁机加以利用,以刺探情报、击败对手。"间"和"谍"在古代是两个词,《大戴礼记·千乘》云:"以中情出,小曰间,大曰谍。"意思是说,小的窃密活动叫做"间",大的窃密活动叫做"谍"。沿用至今,"间"和"谍"已合二为一,成为了一个复音词。 纵观中国的历史长河,在历朝历代的更迭中,利益的争夺无不与间谍活动有关。在利益和谋略的交织中,中国古代的军事家们对间谍和间谍活动进行了深入的研究和论述,产生了许多精彩的理论著述,其中就包括《孙子兵法·用间》、《吴子兵法》、《孙膑兵法》、《管子》等。当然,这些理论都没有对"间谍"这一特殊的事物作出系统研究和阐述,直到清代朱逢甲的《间书》横空出世。朱...
shall lie across the Pattern of the Age, and the Dark One shall once more layhis hand upon the world of man. Women shall weep and men quail as the nations ofthe earth are rent like rotting cloth. Neither shall anything stand nor abide...Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow, born once more as he was born beforeand shall be born again, time without end. The Dragon shall be Reborn, and thereshall be wailing and gnashing of teeth at his rebirth. In sackcloth and ashesshall he clothe the people, and he shall break the world again by his ing,tearing apart all ties that bind.
HIS NAME WAS THORNE. In the ancient language of the runes, it had been longer-Thornevald. But when he became a blood drinker, his name had been changed to Thorne. And Thorne he remained now, centuries later, as he lay in his cave in the ice, dreaming. When he had first e to the frozen land, he had hoped he would sleep eternally. But now and then the thirst for blood awakened him and using the Cloud Gift, he rose into the air, and went in search of the Snow Hunters. He fed off them, careful never to take too much blood from any one so that none died on account of hi
相关搜索: 马步, 武学求真, 形意, 太极, 逝去的武林最近喜欢上了马步,所以就从网上多看了一些文章。其中印象比较深的是:《逝去的武林》,关于形意的故事,网上可以下到标准的DOC版,里面也有涉及到马步的精彩点滴,后面附件里有。戴涌波先生所写的《武学求真录》,还有一位网名萝卜酒的先生写的《老拳师的故事》以及《中国的冷兵器搏击》,主要写四川太极的那些老拳师,里面也有马步的精彩点滴。这在民间中医网里有,链接是,ngotcm/forum/viewthread.php?tid=45147&extra=page%3D1,基本上比较全,只是删去了几段无关紧要的涉及政治的话语。戴先生的这些文章是散在网上的,没有找到一个汇集的,在下也是从好些个地方复制过来的,当然也不全,但是看看最关键的就是了。...
作者:三宅寿雄1.推销是一种本能从小到大,我们每个人都在进行自我推销,不管你是什么人,从事何种工作,无论你的愿望是什么,若要达到目的,你都必须具备向别人进行自我推销的能力。可以说,生活中的我们无时无刻不在扮演着推销员的角色,只不过,我们推销的往往不是有形的产品,而是自己的思想、观点、成就、服务、主张、感情等等。只有通过自我推销,你才能取得成功,才能实现你的美好理想,达到你的目的。也就是说,我们每个人其实都是天生的推销员。 我们可以按自己年龄的顺序来思考一下曾经的推销行为: 当我们还是四、五岁的小孩时,想向父母亲要求某些事情时会怎么做呢?首先会努力扮演一个好孩子,摆出一副很听话、很乖的样子博取父母的好感,接下来再去观察父母的表情,如果父母看起来心情不错,便开始付诸行动。这其实就是一种高明的“推销行为”,父母是我们的客户,而所推销的产品则是自己的主张,我们要想尽办...
轻便的Pentax135系统——镜头选择yellowapple前面说了Pentax的机身,说句实话当时走进P家,主要还是看中了Pentax镜头,轻巧、便宜、素质好。当年和我一起去做西藏项目的有个摄影师,主力是哈苏503,辅机就是Nikon FM2和几个定焦镜头。而我当时还只是在用MZ30+28-70/4,我们都照了一些反转,我主要照的是负片,作为记录。而摄影师的反转主要是用来出书的。片子出来后,我的确是服了专业摄影师,各方面都没的说。我当时是特意比较了我的片子和他用nikon的片子。给我的感觉是,我的镜头表现还是相当不错的,非常通透,色彩亮丽(当然是沾了西藏空气的原因),还原真实。尼康的镜头正如评论,色彩艳,反差大,清晰。尤其是拍喇嘛的皱纹,看着特别有味道。但是两者还是可以看出点不同,尼...
op360 2005-06-01 王剑东MODERN WAREHOUSE TRAINING MATERIAL培训目的: ① 提升仓库人员管理水平 ② 提高仓库人员工作效率培训纲要: 第一部分 ERP原理 第二部分 仓库管理概论 第三部分 仓库管理实务 第四部分 安全/高效的仓库管理 第五部分 实际工作中的仓库管理第一部分 ERP原理1. 从库存管理的订货点法到物料需求计划MRP(Material Requirements Planning)所谓订货点法,即给一个库存物料制定一个库存的最低标准,当库存数量低于这一标准时,就需要下达订单去采购或生产这一物料。对于稳定消耗的物料,订货点法有效,但对于非稳定消耗的物料,订货点法就难于应付了。...
The caretaker stirred when he heard the crunch of tires on gravel. There was barely any light left in the sky, and he had just made coffee and was reluctant to get up. But his curiosity got the better of him. Visitors to Alexandria seldom ventured into the cemetery at Ivy Hill; the historic town on the Potomac had a brace of other, more colorful attractions and amusements to offer the living. As for the locals, not many came out on a weekday; fewer still on a late afternoon when the April rains lashed the sky. Peering through his gatehouse window, the caretaker saw a man
作者:杨恒均 第一部:残肢断臂2008年7月18日上午10点30分,华盛顿白宫西厢地下情景室(Situation Room)。“先生们,在这个言论自由的国家,只有两个小房间才能够让我们大声地畅所欲言而不至于泄密。”手里捧着杯咖啡、手臂里夹着案卷的中央情报局长戈斯进门后用脚关上身后的门,扫了一眼情景室。他显然没有得到自己预期的回应,挤得满满的房间里没有人笑,也没有人识趣地追问他这话的意思,甚至,没有人和他打招呼。他只好嘿嘿地干笑了两声,走到长条形会议桌靠近主持人的唯一的一个空位坐下来。情景室里挤满了大约三十人,打招呼已经结束,大家都在低头翻阅刚刚发到手的案卷。没有人抬头看一眼晚到了五分钟的中央情报局局长。...