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组织行为学 |热度 3 | 文学经管 | 上传: 瞎说呗 |更新时间:2023-12-20
2010013揉笋机进球彩超级媒体 |热度 4 | 文学经管 | 上传: 使劲儿 |更新时间:2023-12-20
brideshead+revisited |热度 3 | 文学经管 | 上传: 车水马龙01 |更新时间:2023-12-20
BRIDESHEAD REVISITEDTHE SACRED AND PROFANE MEMORIESOF CAPTAIN CHARLES RYDERPenguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, EnglandPenguin Books, 625 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10022, U.S.A.Penguin Books Australia Ltd,Ringwood, Victoria, AustraliaPenguin Books Canada Ltd, 2801 John Street,Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R IB4Penguin Books (N.Z.) Ltd, 182-190 Wairau Road,Auckland 10, New ZealandFirst published by Chapman & Hall 1945Published in Penguin Books 1951Reprinted 1952, 1954, 1957, 1959Revised edition first published by Chapman & Hall 1960... 
cb.booksofblood2 |热度 3 | 文学经管 | 上传: 尘小春 |更新时间:2023-12-20
 DREAD  THERE IS NO delight the equal of dread. If it were possible to sit, invisible, between two people on any train, in any waiting room or office, the conversation overheard would time and again circle on that subject. Certainly the debate might appear to be about something entirely different; the state of the nation, idle chat about death on the roads, the rising price of dental care; but strip away the metaphor, the innuendo, and there, nestling at the heart of the discourse, is dread. While the nature of God, and the possibility of eternal life go undiscussed, we ha 
cb.coldheart canyon |热度 2 | 文学经管 | 上传: 淘气 |更新时间:2023-12-20
  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS   There are a lot of people to thank for helping me bring this one home. It was a devil of a book to write, for a host of reasons. For one thing, I began writing it the week before my father passed away, and inevitably the long shadow of that event dimmed the joy of writing, at least for the first six months or so, slowing it to a crawl.  Paradoxically, even as my production of useable text diminished, I could feel the scale of the story I wanted to tell getting bigger. What had originally begun life as an idea for a short, satiric stab at Hollywood began 
雅思各项全能词汇 |热度 3 | 文学经管 | 上传: 淋雨 |更新时间:2023-12-20
㈠高频词汇表abbreviation, cohesive, editing, intensive, pattern, reject, survey,ability, bine, effective, intimate, pause, related, syllabus,academic, mittee, efficient, invest, peak, relevant, synonym,acplishment, mumicate, elective, investigate, per, reliable, synthetic,accurate, parison, elicitation, irrelevant, perceive, remainder, system,acquisition, petent, eligible, isolate, percentage, represent, tally,adapt, pile, emerge, issue, period, reputable, taxation,adequacy, plex, emphasis, journal, permanent, request, technical,adhered, prehensive, emulate, judgement, persuade, 
iam fleming.for your eyes only |热度 2 | 文学经管 | 上传: 保时捷 |更新时间:2023-12-20
  The eyes behind the wide black rubber goggles were cold as flint. In the howling speed-turmoil of a BSA M20 doing seventy, they were the only quiet things in the hurtling flesh and metal. Protected by the glass of the goggles, they stared fixedly ahead from just above the centre of the handlebars, and their dark unwavering focus was that of gun muzzles. Below the goggles, the wind had got into the face through the mouth and had wrenched the lips back into a square grin that showed big tombstone teeth and strips of whitish gum. On both sides of the grin the cheeks had bee 
ah.thefinaldiagnosis |热度 2 | 文学经管 | 上传: 插翅难飞 |更新时间:2023-12-20
  At midmorning of a broiling summer day the life of Three Counties Hospital ebbed and flowed like tide currents around an offshore island. Outside the hospital the citizens of Burlington, Pennsylvania, perspired under a ninety-degree shade temperature with 78 per cent humidity. Down by the steel mills and the rail yards, where there was little shade and no thermometers, the reading-if anyone had bothered to take it-would have been a good deal higher. Within the hospital it was cooler than outside, but not much. Among patients and staff only the fortunate or influential es 
lh.narcissusinchains |热度 3 | 文学经管 | 上传: 宫本宝藏 |更新时间:2023-12-20
 Now, six months have passed since Anita has seen either Jean-Claude or Richard. Six months of celibacy. Six months of indecision. Six months of danger. For her body carries the marks of both vampire and werewolf, and until the triumvirate is consummated, all three remain vulnerable. But when a kidnapper targets innocents that Anita has sworn to protect, she needs all the help she can get. In an earth-shattering union, Anita, Jean-Claude, and Richard merge the marks and melt into one another. Suddenly, Anita can harness both their powers. She can feel their hearts ... hea 
电子基础 |热度 3 | 文学经管 | 上传: 吹嘻 |更新时间:2023-12-20
pgw.psmith,journalist |热度 4 | 文学经管 | 上传: 朝令夕改 |更新时间:2023-12-20
  THE conditions of life in New York are so different from those of London that a story of this kind calls for a little explanation. There are several million inhabitants of New York. Not all of them eke out a precarious livelihood by murdering one another, but there is a definite section of the population which murdersnot casually, on the spur of the moment, but on definitely mercial lines at so many dollars per murder. The "gangs" of New York exist in fact. I have not invented them. Most of the incidents in this story are based on actual happenings. The Rosenthal case, w 
dk.intensity |热度 3 | 文学经管 | 上传: 瞎说呗 |更新时间:2023-12-20
 The red sun balances on the highest ramparts of the mountains, and in its waning light, the foothills appear to be ablaze. A cool breeze blows down out of the sun and fans through the tall dry grass, which streams like waves of golden fire along the slopes toward the rich and shadowed valley. In the knee-high grass, he stands with his hands in the pockets of his denim jacket, studying the vineyards below. The vines were pruned during the winter. The new growing season has just begun. The colorful wild mustard that flourished between the rows during the colder months has b 
穷通宝鉴 |热度 13 | 文学经管 | 上传: 大热 |更新时间:2023-12-20
穷通宝鉴之一1、韦序 2、穷通宝鉴序 3、穷通宝鉴原序 4、五行总论 5、论木 6、论火 7、论土 8、四季月土性质之分别 9、论金 10、论水 ? ? 穷通宝鉴之二1、三春甲木总论 2、正二月甲木一例 3、三月甲木 4、三夏甲木总论 5、四月甲木 6、五六月甲木一例 7、三秋甲木总论 8、七月甲木 9、八月甲木 10、九月甲木 11、三冬甲木总论 12、十月甲木 13、十一月甲木 14、十二月甲木 ? 穷通宝鉴之三1、三春乙木总论 2、正月乙木 3、二月乙木 4、三月乙木 5、三夏乙木总论 6、四月乙木 7、五月乙木 8、六月乙木 9、三秋乙木总论 10、七月乙木 11、八月乙木 12、九月乙木 13、十月乙木 14、十一月乙木 15、十二月乙木 穷通宝鉴之四... 
拉高速的方法 |热度 2 | 文学经管 | 上传: 交通工具类 |更新时间:2023-12-20
  为了让自己的爱车顺利通过磨合期,我们在平时应做好检查维护,并要注意以下几个方面的问题,来提高磨合质量。  (一)起步先预热  电喷车启动前,应先将钥匙转到第二挡后等5-10秒,再启动。因为钥匙门打开后,汽油泵开使工作,使油压及喷油量进行调整,所以几秒钟后再启动,对汽车的马达及发动机都是有好处的。  着车后,大多数人都习惯让发动机怠速运转,等水温达到正常温度后再把车开走,其实这种预热的方法是非常错误的,因为电喷发动机不像化油器发动机,在达到工作温度之前,供油系统不能正常工作,勉强行驶自然会出现转速不稳、熄火等现象,所以化油器发动机用怠速预热是迫不得已的办法。而电喷发动机如果采用长时间预热,不仅没有必要而且还是有害的。缩短预热时间可以延长三元催化器的使用寿命,还可以提高尾气中污染物的转化率和节省燃油。... 
高斯赋值 |热度 3 | 文学经管 | 上传: 风格1 |更新时间:2023-12-20
/clear,nostart/filname,1.11thermal_analysis/title,3D_weld_thermal_analysis/units,si !定义国际制单位/prep7!**************************************************!定义焊接尺寸及焊接参数!**************************************************!******************************************构件尺寸len=100e-3 !长0.1mwid=50e-3 !宽0.05mthic=6e-3 !厚0.006m!b=0.002 !根部预留(m)!h=0 !钝边(m)... 
西方哲学史下卷〔英〕罗素 |热度 3 | 文学经管 | 上传: 津夏 |更新时间:2023-12-20
卷〔英〕罗素著1汉译世界学术名著丛书西方哲学史及其与从古代到现代的政治、社会情况的联系 下卷〔英〕罗素 著马元德译2目  次卷三 近代哲学第一篇 从文艺复兴到休谟第一章 总说…………………………………………………3…第二章 意大利文艺复兴……………………………………8…第三章 马基雅弗利…………………………………………1…9第四章 埃拉斯摩和莫尔……………………………………3…0第五章 宗教改革运动和反宗教改革运动…………………4…5第六章 科学的兴盛…………………………………………4…9第七章 弗兰西斯。培根……………………………………6…9第八章 霍布士的利维坦……………………………………7…4第九章 笛卡尔………………………………………………9…0第十章 斯宾诺莎…………………………………………1…04第十一章 莱布尼兹…………………………………………1…20... 
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