一、名词解释:1、三相交流电: 由三个频率相同、电势振幅相等、相位差互差 120 °角的交流电路组成的电力系统,叫三相交流电。2、一次设备: 直接与生产电能和输配电有关的设备称为一次设备。包括各种高压断路器、隔离开关、母线、电力电缆、电压互感器、电流互感器、电抗器、避雷器、消弧线圈、并联电容器及高压熔断器等。3、二次设备: 对一次设备进行监视、测量、操纵控制和保护作用的辅助设备。如各种继电器、信号装置、测量仪表、录波记录装置以及遥测、遥信装置和各种控制电缆、小母线等。4、高压断路器: 又称高压开关,它不仅可以切断或闭合高压电路中的空载电流和负荷电流,而且当系统发生故障时,通过继电保护装置的作用,切断过负荷电流和短路电流。它具有相当完善的灭弧结构和足够的断流能力。...
哈利波特 哈利波特为我们揭示了一个品牌真理:品牌是征服。它的品牌势力如何形成?它对中国品牌有什么启示?就让我们一起开始这征服之旅吧! 魔法小精灵(1) 没人能躲过魔法小子“哈利波特”狂热症的袭击。 哈利波特,一个在被人民文学出版社译为“霍格沃茨”魔法学校学习的小男孩,他创造了人类最大的故事品牌的奇迹。新书发布仪式定于2005年6月20日这一天,无论是在世界的哪一个地方,只要时钟敲响12下,他的粉丝们就会蜂拥而至,希望能抢到1000万本《哈利波特与凤凰社》中的一本。在每一个行业的竞争都进入白热化的时候,这个魔法小子的火爆不知道让多少人羡慕不已。 那是一个疯狂的夜晚,各大书店都开门营业,快递公司也早早地将车安排妥当,只为哈利波特。与哈利波特相关的玩具、游戏、DVD以及其他商品如文具、服装、礼品等也同时投入市场。...
Dusk was beginning to creep down from the mountains when the Witchfinder rode into Craiglowrie. His hunched position in the saddle of the black mare disguised his true height, yet all the same he was tall and terrible, the features beneath the dark broad-brimmed hat seemed like those of a sun-bleached skull from a distance. The grimace that revealed black and broken teeth; the eyes that glowed with the fire of a personal hatred, and seemed to search out each and every one of the peasants who trembled and watched behind the windows of their tumbledown bothies. ...
When the office door opened suddenly I knew the game was up. It had been a money-maker-but it was all over. As the cop walked in I sat back in the chair and put on a happy grin. He had the same somber expression and heavy foot that they all have-and the same lack of humor. I almost knew to the word what he was going to say before he uttered a syllable. "James Bolivar diGriz I arrest you on the charge-" I was waiting for the word charge, I thought it made a nice touch that way. As he said it I pressed the button that set off the charge of black powder in the c
IThe man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.The desert was the apotheosis of all deserts, huge, standing to the sky for what might have been parsecs in all directions. White; blinding; waterless; without feature save for the faint, cloudy haze of the mountains which sketched themselves on the horizon and the devil-grass which brought sweet dreams, nightmares, death. An occasional tombstone sign pointed the way, for once the drifted track that cut its way through the thick crust of alkali had been a highway and coaches had followed it. The world ha
最新卷 第1节 日期:2008-4-30 22:04:00 序 在我的理解中,所谓对决,虽然残酷,却不乏美学和优雅;对决的双方,虽然剑拔弩张,心底里却不乏惺惺相惜和彼此敬重。这才是真正的对决,一种带着古典贵族气质的勇敢者游戏。 也就是说,对决的结果除了输与赢,除了笑与泪,还应该有其他的东西,比如尊重、骄傲、掌声……而这些绝不仅仅属于赢的那一方。 在现代社会,对决这个词被广泛运用于商业活动中,而参与对决的任何一方唯一的目的在于:赢!这当然无可厚非,我们通常也会为赢家喝彩。 但我们无可奈何地发现,很多赢家之所以赢,并不是因为他们更正直、更勤奋、更聪明、更讲游戏规则,而恰恰是因为他们更凶狠、更麻木、更狡诈、更不择手段……而最让人无可奈何的是,当这些人最终赢的时候,他们获得的掌声与喝彩一点也不见少。...
先看看30个技巧你知道几个呢:点圆弧的两个端点再点圆心就是标注角度,点圆弧的两个端点再点弧线就是标注弧度,1. 将工具按钮放置在不同的工具栏中可根据自己的习惯定义工具栏,把常用的按钮放到不同的工具栏中。如“重建模型”按钮,可以在窗口右下角和左上角各放一个,以便于提高工作效率。2. 窗口的分割双击或拖动窗口分栏线,可以将同一窗口进行分割,以便于在不同的窗口中观看模型的不同视图。对左侧窗口进行分割可以同时显示不同的内容,如 FeatureManager设计树、PropertyManager属性管理器或ConfigurationManager配置管理器。3. 改变模型旋转中心单击“旋转视图”按钮,使旋转视图命令激活,在图形区域选择模型的顶点、边或面可以使模型绕所选择的对象旋转。...
一场不为人知的阴谋:粮食危机 第1节:中文版前言(1) 中文版前言 转基因生物工程——一场新鸦片战争 其实,我们早就可以预料到这场粮食危机必然会发生。由于嘉吉、ADM和邦基等美国跨国农业巨头的不断施压,美国和欧盟这两个世界上最大的粮食输出地政府决定,彻底取消沿袭多年的粮食储备制度。在战争或粮食歉收的时候,粮食储备作为蓄水池是防止出现灾难的重要保障措施。欧美各国政府之所以取消粮食储备,完全是因为国际粮食卡特尔不断鼓动的结果,即“以市场为导向的农业”可以让私营的全球化公司 “更有效”地储存和供应粮食,通过“提高效率”来替纳税人节省每一分钱。这样一来,被粮食卡特尔不怀好意地称为“粮山”的各国粮食储备便逐渐消失了。谷歌搜:loose change ;谷歌搜:大陆的长程思维控制;...
0001:猪肝鸡蛋粥 0002:桑椹果粥 0003:榛子杞子粥 0004:杞子粳米粥 0005:猪肝陈米绿豆粥 0006:苍术猪肝粥 0007:鸡肝粟米粥 0008:大米决明子粥 0009:皮蛋瘦肉粥 0010:胡桃姜汁红枣粥 0011:玫瑰情人粥 0012:海米菠菜粥 0013:韭菜海参粥 0014:糯米桂圆粥 0015:健康高纤粥0016:蔬菜素粥 0017:粥水浸大鱼片 0018:粥水螺片煮丝瓜软 0019:粥水浸鱼腐莲藕 0021:鲜鱼粥 0022:鲜奶鸡肉粥 0023:八宝黑米粥 0024:苡苓小米粥 0025:润肤止痒粥 0026:希腊雪花粥 0027:黑芝麻糙米粥 0028:山药萝卜粥 0029:苹果粥 0030:山楂粥 0031:豆浆粥 0032:山药枸杞粥 0033:海带绿豆粥 0034:水果粥 0035:鸡肉粥 0036:鲜菇海鲜粥 0037:蛋黄酸奶粥 0039:胡萝卜甜粥 0040:肉末菜粥 0041:土豆肉末粥 0042:鱼肉松粥 0043:排骨皮蛋粥 0044:泉州蚝仔粥 0045:窝蛋牛肉粥 0046:牛肉什锦粥0047:桑叶粥 0048:柴鱼贵妃粥 0049...
Clinch padded to the kitchen and fixed himself a pot of coffee, four eggs scrambled (with ketchup), a quarter-pound of Jimmy Dean sausage, and two slices of whole-wheat toast with grape jam. As he ate, he listened to the radio for a weather report. The temperature outside was forty-one degrees, humidity thirty-five percent, wind blowing from the northeast at seven miles per hour. According to the weatherman, thick fog lay on the highway between Harney and Lake Jesup. Robert Clinch loved to drive in the fog because it gave him a chance to use the amber fog lights on his ne
Neither do they expect trouble with a cargo that is sewn up tight. Only a privileged few knew exactly when the Kruxator Collection would arrive in the country. That it was due to e to Britain was mon knowledge, and you had only to read a newspaper to discover that March 15th was the day on which the fabled group of paintings and jewellery were to go on display - for two weeks - at the Victoria and Albert Museum. The Kruxator Collection is called after its founder, the late Niko Kruxator, whose fabulous wealth arose from sources unknown, for he had arrived penniless in th