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大光明藏 |热度 8 | 文学经管 | 上传: 冬恋 |更新时间:2023-12-20
  宋 宝昙述  3卷  No. 1563-A 大光明藏序    冲虚道人史 弥远 撰  橘洲老人蜀英也有奇才能属文语辄惊人一日忽弃所业参上乘于诸方后造妙喜室中决了大事奔轶绝尘如空群之月题也先父文魏王去玄鹤之鼎一见喜动眉睫自是文交道契相羊于东湖山水之间烟云沙鸟外意甚适焉就南郭洲中央筑净院安之以尚其贤绕舍树万橘因自号每一过庭闻其讲明则心目通晓当时兄弟亦乐从之诲饬砥砺冀时有所自立于以夙兴夜寐恐不能尽其术洎仆入。  侍其主仗锡已尝遣书来曰冰崖绝壑之地无所用心欲以平生所习自先师传法而至二十八世菩提达磨迄于震旦五祖师而下具大眼目者一一发明之如史法也命之曰传灯大光明藏又得空文二禅人相与讨论他日就绪抱书以归先求印可已而以母丧西迈及再出关未几不起仗锡之席即入三昧后因其弟可宣得览其书且读且怀而笔力简古谓正宗甚详皆鞭策后昆之法也惜乎世放不成大全吁嗟橘洲老人生天地间可谓不负于佛祖而负于时矣后之学佛... 
jg.skippingchristmas |热度 9 | 文学经管 | 上传: 无边的寒冷 |更新时间:2023-12-20
 The gate was packed with weary travelers, most of them standing and huddled along the walls because the meager allotment of plastic chairs had long since been taken. Every plane that came and went held at least eighty passengers, yet the gate had seats for only a few dozen. There seemed to be a thousand waiting for the 7 P.M. flight to Miami. They were bundled up and heavily laden, and after fighting the traffic and the check-in and the mobs along the concourse they were subdued, as a whole. It was the Sunday after Thanksgiving, one of the busiest days of the year for air 
mg.greeneyes |热度 9 | 文学经管 | 上传: 炒作 |更新时间:2023-12-20
THE MARK OF DEATH  THE MOUNTAIN LIMITED was clicking slowly over the rails that trail through the highest and wildest land in America-the western slope of the Rockies.  Speed was cut down as the big special labored toward the highest point on its line-nearly seven thousand feet above sea level.  Midnight had struck.  Outside, the gloomy mountains hung over the track; seemed about to close in on it, and wipe out the train and all its passengers.  Within the club car of the train, only a handful of men remained in the fortable chairs.  All of these were dozing away, with  
jg.paintedhouse |热度 9 | 文学经管 | 上传: 大热 |更新时间:2023-12-20
The hill people and the Mexicans arrived on the same day. It was a Wednesday, early in September 1952. The Cardinals were five games behind the Dodgers with three weeks to go, and the season looked hopeless. The cotton, however, was waist-high to my father, over my head, and he and my grandfather could be heard before supper whispering words that were seldom heard. It could be a "good crop."They were farmers, hardworking men who embraced pessimism only when discussing the weather and the crops. There was too much sun, or too much rain, or the threat of floods in the lowlan 
医学英语 |热度 7 | 文学经管 | 上传: 一半儿 |更新时间:2023-12-20
vt.&n.欢迎a.受欢迎的offervt.&n.提供;贡献be about to...(不久)就要,即将trainingn.训练;培养programn.规划;(教学)大纲generala.一般的,普遍的basica.基本的,基础的coursen.课程;过程;疗程biologyn.生物学devotevt.贡献medicala.医学的,医药的anatomyn.解剖学;解剖physiologyn.生理学biochemistryn.生物化学termn.学期;期限;术语internala.内服的;内部的surgeryn.外科学,外科and so on等等,诸如此类clinicala.临床的have to不得不,只好in addition另外follow-upa.&n.接着的,后续的advanceda.高级的;先进的besides... 
jamesclavell.noblehouse |热度 11 | 文学经管 | 上传: 漂亮格子 |更新时间:2023-12-20
 work as a tribute to Her Britannic Majesty, Elizabeth II, to the people of Her Crown Colony of Hong Kong - and perdition to their enemies.   Of course this is a novel. It is peopled with imaginary persons and panies and no reference to any person or pany that was, or is, part of Hong Kong or Asia is intended. I would also like to apologize at once to all Hong Kong yan - all Hong Kong persons - for rearranging their beautiful city, for taking incidents out of context, for inventing people and places and streets and panies and incidents that, hopefully, may appear to have 
pcr引物设计原则总结 |热度 5 | 文学经管 | 上传: 不言败 |更新时间:2023-12-20
从穷设计到富设计 |热度 8 | 文学经管 | 上传: 空白协议书 |更新时间:2023-12-20
热 26已有 3624 次阅读 2010-11-15 16:10 标签: 文摘 强力 设计 推荐作为设计师一定都在思考和努力做以下的一些观点:如何从穷设计师到富设计师?如何从普通设计师到目标设计师?设计师又该如何设计自己?如何在第一次谈单中就让业主交给你他的钥匙?设计师何以为师?设计师何时可以自己住别墅,自己来设计?……有那么多的设计师喊着穷,可他们一直在设计中寻找财富,却奋斗终生而不可得,其主要原因在于,他们都曾在各种学校或者公司中学习并设计多年,却从未真正学习到关于金钱的设计。其结果就是他们只知道为了钱而拼命设计……却从不去思索如何让钱为他们设计……... 
stephen king - mist |热度 7 | 文学经管 | 上传: 标点 |更新时间:2023-12-20
 This is what happened. On the night that the worst heat wave in northern New England history finally broke-the night of July 19-the entire western Maine region was lashed with the most vicious thunderstorms I have ever seen. We lived on Long Lake, and we saw the first of the storms beating its way across the water toward us just before dark. For an hour before, the air had been utterly still. The American flag that my father put up on our boathouse in 1936 lay limp against its pole. Not even its hem fluttered. The heat was like a solid thing, and it seemed as deep as sull 
deathworld |热度 9 | 文学经管 | 上传: 九米 |更新时间:2023-12-20
 1  With a gentle sigh the service tube dropped a message capsule into the receiving cup. The attention bell chimed once and was silent. Jason dinAlt stared at the harmless capsule as though it were a ticking bomb.  Something was going wrong. He felt a hard knot of tension form inside of him. This was no routine service memo or hotel munication, but a sealed personal message. Yet he knew no one on this planet, having arrived by spacer less than eight hours earlier. Since even his name was new-dating back to the last time he had changed ships- there could be no personal mes 
cussler.blueandgold |热度 8 | 文学经管 | 上传: 红色风帆 |更新时间:2023-12-20
 Sao Paulo Airport, Brazil, 1991   With a POWERFUL KICK FROM ITS twin turbofan engines, the sleek executive jet lifted off the runway and shot into the vaulted skies above Sao Paulo. Climbing rapidly over the biggest city in South America, the Learjet soon reached its cruising altitude of thirty-nine thousand feet and raced toward the northwest at five hundred miles an hour. Seated in a fortable rear-facing chair at the back of the cabin, Professor Francesca Cabral peered wistfully out the window at the cottony cloud cover, already missing the smog cloaked streets and sizz 
大脑如何思维 |热度 8 | 文学经管 | 上传: 丢丢 |更新时间:2023-12-20
大脑如何思维——智力演化的今昔作者:威廉·卡尔文在这本中等篇幅的科普作品中,进化生物学家、理论神经科学家威廉·卡尔文(William H.Calvin)教授以生动的笔触论述了多少年来科学家们为之魂萦梦牵的关于人类智力的重大问题:什么是智力的本质?动物的智力如何向人类智力进化?思维是如何进行的?对超人智力能作何展望?在论述的过程中,达尔文的进化观点始终贯穿全书,无论在阐述动物智力进化的过程时,还是在对思维机制的探索中,这一观点都有深刻的体现。实际上,作者所提出的思维的运作机制的实质是“时空模式”的复制竞争,按作者的说法就是一种“达尔文过程”.引言第一章 智力的本质 第二章 意识和智力... 
月球是宇宙飞船 |热度 9 | 文学经管 | 上传: 小秋 |更新时间:2023-12-20
日期:2009-6-22 22:37:00  人类历史上许多未解之谜,像史前文明的形成、断裂,大洪水的发生,十日并出,太阳消失,这一切都是月亮造成的!这是无法回避的事实。大约在15000多年以前,一艘来自宇宙深处的外星人飞船——月亮宇宙飞船,突然拐了一个弯,驶进了太阳系,并降临地球近地轨道,悬浮在中国西北部地区的上空,低得仿佛一踮脚就可以摸得着,传说中的“神”驾临了地球。这不是科幻,而是事实。在中国西南瑶族地区,有一则古老的传说:在远古的时代,天上只有太阳和星星,却看不见月亮,那时的夜空漆黑如墨,每当夜晚降临,大地上就被恐惧笼罩,人类和其他动物一样都躲进自己的巢穴。有一天晚上,天空中突然出现了一个热烘烘、七棱八角的大山一样的东西,它不圆不方,像一块巨大的石头,放射着毒热的光芒。瑶族人的这则传说讲的就是月亮的来由,月亮是在某一天突然出现在地球上空的,当时已经有了人类。瑶族的这则传说有几分... 
补疑-刘一明 |热度 9 | 文学经管 | 上传: 做男人挺好 |更新时间:2023-12-20
补疑  三字诀  修真诀,要心传,无师指,是枉然。有渐修,有顿悟,安勉分,两路作。上智少,中士多,设渐法,中士科。先修命,后修性,渐归顿,是真行。有药物,有火候。理幽深,当细究。安坤炉,立乾鼎,配阴阳,头一等。也用刚,也用柔,两相应,是丹头。活中死,死中活,死活明,万缘脱。真藏假,假出真。会运法,出凡尘。我是我,它是它,知的了,不遭魔。害生恩,恩生害,不被瞒,揭覆盖。火上焰,水下流,颠倒过,住瀛洲。道心生,人心灭,黑中白,光皎洁。空即色,色即空,色空祛,大神通。有法相,有色相,色相离,法相亮。有逆运,有顺行,顺则死,逆则生。有还丹,有大丹,两事理,细研钻。须持心,须炼己,固本根,利出否。分内外,辨主宾,常返照,旧换新。朋来坤,朋丧艮,转枢机,无危困。龙本恶,虎本颠,二物伏,性情绵。戊应外,己定内,变刀圭,不昏昧。水中金,火中木,锻炼成,本原复。上弦金,下弦水,金... 
赵知易八字真鉴 |热度 24 | 文学经管 | 上传: 闪啊闪 |更新时间:2023-12-20
八字真鉴赵知易 著王国亮 审校中国传统文化出版社发行富贵天干定旺衰坤元评吉凶作用辨学理贵活用组合决定行运行运决定变化读《八字真鉴》有感代 序我几乎是一口气读完了赵知易老师的新著《八字真鉴》。合着书本后,立即闪入脑海里的三句话,就如骨鲠在喉不吐不快:... 
中国的人权状况 (白皮书) |热度 8 | 文学经管 | 上传: |更新时间:2023-12-20
《中国的人权状况》(白皮书)学习材料2目   录《中国的人权状况》(白皮书)摘要………………………………(…1)邓小平、江泽民、李鹏同志关于人权问题的部分论述……………………………………………………(…41)马克思主义经典作家论人权……………………………………(…50)社会主义中国在人权问题上的基本立场和保障人权的基本实践……………………………………(…156)健全社会主义民主法制,加强人权的法律保障………………………………………………………(…185)中国人权立法…………………………………………………(…202)... 
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