朝鲜 朴永善辑 1卷 No. 1622 朝鲜禅教考 汉阳 朴永善 辑 佛法。以汉明帝永平八年乙丑之岁。始中国。 佛祖通载云。明帝永平四年。(辛酉岁)帝梦金人。遣中郎将蔡愔。博士王遵等十八人。西访其道。至大月氏国。遇摩腾竺法兰二沙门。得经像归于洛阳。盖乙丑岁也。 后三百七年。始因苻秦。流传于高勾丽(壬申年)。 金富轼三国史云。高勾丽小兽林王二年。(晋简文帝咸安二年)秦王苻坚。遣浮屠顺道。赍送佛像经文。(夏六月)王遣使回谢(时。高勾丽都。在平壤东黄城)○后二年。(小兽林四年)僧阿道来。(建元十年)越明年春。始创肖门寺。以置顺道。又创伊弗兰寺。以置阿道(春二月)○后十八年。至故国壤王末年。(东晋孝武时)又下教崇信佛法○后二年癸巳。广开土王。(晋孝武大元十八年)创九寺于平壤(秋八月)○案。小兽林王时。燕主慕容暐。降于苻坚。辽东之路。于是得通。此秦僧所以至勾丽也。...
[1]首先,用肖像,更改图片风格为颜色的饱和度-1,颜色的对比+2。[2]白平衡设置 自然光设置为「晴」,室内照明的情况设置为「自动」。(是我的情况基本地自然地用光以外不摄影。)[3]照相机的刻度盘要光圈优先自动「Av」。[4]连拍方式。[5]闪光灯禁止使用。(全部不使用)[6]ISO尽可能设置为100,不过,与室内手动弹做那样(如果是1/15秒以下)要设置ISO400,尽管如此不要使用ISO800。[7]尽可能小透镜的光圈f1.4~f1.8、ma。(为了模糊背景)[8]咔嚓咔嚓咔嚓的拍摄。我基本都是连拍方式。因为不需要冲洗费所以不客气地连拍。如果液晶屏确认照片有「稍微暗」的感觉,曝光补偿+1后再次摄影。[10]使用个人电脑,只做最好的切割保存。...
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Lincoln Child would like to thank Lee Suckno, M.D.; Bry Benjamin, M.D.; Anthony Cifelli, M.D.; and Traian Parvulescu, M.D., for their assistance. Thanks also to my family, nuclear and extended, for their love and support. Special thanks to Nancy Child, my mother, for operatic advice. Douglas Preston expresses his great appreciation to Christine and Selene for their invaluable advice on the manuscript, and, as always, would like to give his thanks to Aletheia and Isaac. He would also like to thank James Mortimer Gibbons, Jr., M.D., for his very helpful medi
PERRY MASON-fighting attorney, who preferred being paid off as a sheep to being double-crossed like a lamb DELLA STREET-who was a faithful Girl Friday (also Sunday and Monday, if not quite always) EVA GRIFFIN-well groomed and well heeled, who was a phony HARRISON BURKE-Congressman, whose Duty to the People was to keep them from knowing he was mixed up in murder FRANK LOCKE-editor of Spicy Bits, who was Southern, but no gentleman PAUL DRAKE-who turned up some interesting information on Georgia peaches and sons of same SIDNEY DRUMM-who put himself out on a limb o
1 mander James D. Swanson of the U.S. Navy was short, plump and crowding forty. He had jet-black hair topping a pink, cherubic face, and with the deep permanent creases of laughter lines radiating from his eyes and curving around his mouth, he was a dead ringer for the cheerful, happy-golucky extrovert who is the life and soul of the party where the guests park their brains along with their hats and coats. That, anyway, was how he struck me at first glance, but on the reasonable assumption that I might very likely find some other qualities in the man picked to mand the
.能力, 才干+able&5eibladj.能...的, 有才能的, 能干的, 能够的+aboard&E5bC:dadv.在船(飞机、车)上, 上船(飞机、车)prep.在(船、飞机、车)上, 上(船、飞机、车)+about&5Ebautadv.附近, 大约, 转向, 左右, 周围prep.在附近, 关于, 在...周围, 忙于+above&E5bQvadj.上面的, 上述的, 上文的adv.在上面prep.在...上方, 过于, 超出+abroad&E5brC:dadv.往国外, 到处, 海外, 广泛, 差得远, 心里没有谱+absent&5AbsEntadj.不在的, 缺席的, 缺少的vt.缺席+absolute&5AbsElu:tadj.完全的, 绝对的+absorb...
SANCTUARYBUENOS AIRES/SAN FRANCISCO Whenever Tori Nunn was bored, she went to Buenos Aires. Partly it was because Buenos Aires was a place she had never worked, so, essentially, no one knew her-what she had been. Partly, it was because in Buenos Aires, sitting beneath the natural awning of the jacarandas, their clattering shade striping her face, she could at last forget Greg. But perhaps more than anything else, she came to this inplete city because here she could begin again to define herself, as if now even her own shadow had bee unrecognizable. Here, in Buenos Aires, i
品牌聚乐部 打造国内顶级策划联盟 品牌 策划 营销 设计 诚邀你的加入:sanlong.5d6d颠覆品牌全球统治:NO LOGO本书是一部全球性畅销书,被翻译为28国文字,荣获英国《卫报》图书新人奖提名,加拿大国家商业图书奖,台湾《中国时报》开卷年度十大好书奖,台湾诚品书店年度畅销书。本书分为四个部分:别无空间、别无选择、别无工作、拒绝品牌。前三部分揭露品牌导向的企业活动所产生的负面影响,最后一部分则讨论人们借以抵抗品牌的诸种方式。中国企业日趋走向品牌经营之道,中央电视台即打出“品牌就是力量”的口号,同时,著名品牌为害大众的事例屡见不鲜,本书对于中国读者具有前瞻价值。本书提出用公民权取代消费主义,是对我们之前所提到消费者权益的超越。...
December 6, 1996 Epworth Heights Luddington, Michigan My Dearest Kay, 1 am sitting on the porch, staring out at Lake Michigan as a sharp wind reminds me I need to cut my hair. 1 am remembering when we were here last, both of us abandoning who and what we are for one precious moment in the history of our time. Kay, I need you to listen to me. You are reading this because I am dead When I decided to write it, 1 asked Senator Lord to deliver it to you in person in the early part of December, a year after my death. I know how hard Christmas has always been for you, and n
THE BOOK OF BLOOD THE MIDNIGHT MEAT TRAIN THE YATTERING AND JACK PIG BLOOD AND STARSHINE IN THE HILLS, THE CITIES THE BOOK OF BLOOD THE DEAD HAVE highways. They run, unerring lines of ghost-trains, of dream-carriages, across the wasteland behind our lives, bearing an endless traffic of departed souls. Their thrum and throb can be heard in the broken places of the world, through cracks made by acts of cruelty, violence and depravity. Their freight, the wandering dead, can be glimpsed when the heart is close to bursting, and sights that should be hid