There has always been magic. And magic has a life of its own. It es and goes without our control. It flows through the world as it will. This is how the world was Awakened. Magical energy ran through the veins of the world like blood through humans. It changed her. And it changed her people. And it came to pass that events shaped by magic began to alter history. Earthquakes tore the earth apart. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse seemed to be riding across the world. Conquest, War, Famine, and Death raged unabated. The VITAS plague alone took almost a quarter of the wor
Years and years later, I still start in the deepest part of night with his agonized face before me. And always, in these helpless dreams, I am helpless to ease his suffering. I will tell the tale then, in hope the last ghosts may be put to rest, if such a thing can ever happen in this place where there are more ghosts than living souls. But you will have to listen closely - this is a tale that the teller herself does not fully understand. I will tell you of Lord Sulis, my famous stepfather. I will tell you what the witch foretold to me. I will tell you of the love tha
PREFACE ... And behind the Northern Armies came another army of men. They came by the hundreds, yet each traveled alone. They came on foot, by mule, on horseback, on creaking wagons or riding in handsome chaises. They were of all shapes and sizes and descended from many nationalities. They wore dark suits, usually covered with the gray dust of travel, and dark, broad-brimmed hats to shield their white faces from the hot, unfamiliar sun. And on their back, or across their saddle, or on top of their wagon was the inevitable faded multicolored bag made of worn and ragged re
Winters on Ballybran were generally mild, so the fury of the first spring storms as they howled across the land was ever unexpected. This first one of the new season swept ferociously across the Milekey Ranges, bearing before its westward course the fleeing sleds of crystal singers like so much jetsam. Those laggard singers who had tarried too long at their claims were barely able to hold their bucking sleds on course as they bolted for the safety of the Heptite Guild plex. Inside the gigantic Hangar, its baffles raised against the mach winds, ordered confusion reigned. C
宋 慧洪撰 30卷 No. 1560-A 重刊禅林僧宝传序 禅林僧宝传者。宋宣和初。新昌觉范禅师之所撰次也。觉范尝读唐宋高僧传。以道宣精于律。而文非所长。赞宁博于学。而识几于暗。其于为书。往往如户昏按捡。不可以属读。乃慨然有志于论述。凡经行诸方。见夫博大秀杰之衲。能袒肩以荷大法者。必手录而藏之。后居湘西之谷山。遂尽发所藏。依仿司马迁史传。各为赞辞。合八十有一人。分为三十卷。而题以今名。亦既锓梓以传。积有岁月。二十年来。南北兵兴。在在焚毁。是书之存。十不一二。南宗禅师定公。时住大慈名刹。慨念末学晚辈。不见至道之大全。古人之大体。因取其书。重刊而广布之。且以序文属予。俾书始末。传之永久。古者左史记言。右史记事。而言为尚书。事为春秋。迁盖因之以作史记。而言与事具焉。觉范是书。既编五宗之训言。复著诸老之行事。而于世系入道之由。临终明验之际。无不谨书而备录。盖听言以事观。既书...
明 朱时恩著 42卷 No. 1594-A 佛祖纲目序 余不佞。浮沉史局。垂五十年。而知古今事。无更难于史者。无论正史难。即偏记小录亦难。无论稗史难。即璅语杂簿亦难。若更进而史天史地。又进而史仙史佛。自非以山河为法身。以人天为手眼者。未有能撮其要而荟其成者也。心空居士。以三十年精力。汇为佛祖纲目一书。于是梵网有总持。法门有纪载。宗教有源流。废兴有考核。而合之则曰。此七佛以来。一部大史也。宋元徽中。王俭为七志。仅以佛书。附图谱之末。梁初。命任昉等。于文德殿。列藏众书。于华林园。另集释典。其后阮孝绪。博采经籍。独尊佛录。于七录之外。然亦不过资博览示瑰异而已。唐宋以来。宗学炽盛。枝叶各分。自景德传灯录出。续之者至。合为五灯。于是曹溪之后。思让再分。马祖以来。五宗各显。至宋僧法槃。别立教宗。以法华为经。天台为统。止观为门。此佛祖统记所繇作也。迨元僧智常。复作统载。名依统记。...
Lesson 1 Excuse me!对不起!Listen to the tape then answer this question. Whose handbag is it?听录音,然后回答问题,这是谁的手袋?Excuse me!Yes?Is this your handbag?Pardon?Is this your handbag?Yes, it is.Thank you very much.New Word and expressions 生词和短语excusev. 原谅mepron.我(宾格)yesadv. 是的isv. be 动词现在时第三人称单数thispron.这yourpossessive adjective 你的,你们的handbagn. (女用)手提包pardon...
IBill never realized that sex was the cause of it all. If the sun that morning had not been burning so warmly in the brassy sky of Phigerinadon II, and if he had not glimpsed the sugar-white and wine-barrel-wide backside of Inga-Maria Calyphigia, while she bathed in the stream, he might have paid more attention to his plowing than to the burning pressures of heterosexuality and would have driven his furrow to the far side of the hill before the seductive music sounded along the road. He might never have heard it, and his life would have been very, very different. But he di
On a Saturday morning in early August in 1969, a series of bizarre and inexplicable events occurred aboard the fifty-five-thousand-ton luxury liner S.S. Bretagne as it was preparing to sail from the Port of New York to Le Havre. Claude Dessard, chief purser of the Bretagne, a capable and meticulous man, ran, as he was fond of saying, a "tight ship". In the fifteen years Dessard had served aboard the Bretagne, he had never encountered a situation he had not been able to deal with efficiently and discreetly. Considering that the S.S. Bretagne was a French ship, this was hig