A January gale was roaring up the Channel, blustering loudly, and bearing in its bosom rain squalls whose big drops rattled loudly on the tarpaulin clothing of those among the officers and men whose duties kept them on deck. So hard and so long had the gale blown that even in the sheltered waters of Spithead the battleship moved uneasily at her anchors, pitching a little in the choppy seas, and snubbing herself against the tautened cables with unexpected jerks. A shore boat was on its way out to her, propelled by oars in the hands of two sturdy women; it danced madly on t
在大多数的宗教中,爱常常被神圣化。与爱相关的性,则基本上被抑止并消失不见了。随着佛教密宗的日渐盛行,对密宗的研究亦日渐深入。对佛教密宗的起源有着重要意义的印度密教,作为与世俗生活紧密联系在一起的宗教,对于性事的观念在今天看来仍然惊世骇俗。在那些被人视为“淫秽不堪”的诗歌、绘画、雕塑作品中,对性爱的推崇让我们看到古代宗教对于“人性”本身的重视,这对于生活在现代社会的人来说,不仅是一种对遥远年代的追忆,更是一种对当下生活态度的指导。第一部分第1节:概 要(1) 概 要 早在公元300至500年,具有性爱宝典性质的《欲经》在印度应运而生了。在作者犊子氏看来,性爱是复杂的游戏,它可以在多种层面上展开,针对各色女人,性爱的花样也各不相同,《欲经》对此做出了详细的划分和精致的描述。抛去其繁琐的性爱花样分类,我们看到,犊子氏对性爱的基本态度是:性爱并不是情和欲的泛滥,而是要克制自我的...
调整运气 趋吉避凶命是固定的,运是按特定的时间顺序运行的,命和运实际上就是一种生命运动的客观规律。因此,有人会问:“命运既然是一种客观规律又怎么能调整呢?”就连有的学命之人,心中也有此疑问。 为了回答这个问题,我们先要知道命运的构成机理。“命”即四柱,四柱是由干支组成,“运”即大小运、流年等,也是由干支组成,所以“命运”都是由干支组合而成,而干支是五行的代表符号,所以,命运实质上就是五行的组合。五行之间存在着生克关系,命运是一种五行的动态组合,这种组合通过五行的生克作用而使五行力量发生改变,形成新的力量对比。当五行力量相对平衡(普通命局)或五行气势顺畅(特殊格局)时则一片祥和而为吉,反之,五行争战,气势相逆,则不得安宁而为凶。所以,命运的吉凶说穿了就是一个人在某一特定时空状态下五行的平衡与否或顺逆与否。宇宙万事万物大至天体,小至电子以及纷繁复杂的植物世界、人...
Like an uncoiling serpent, a line of fighting chariots wound swiftly down the gut of the valley. From where he clung to the dashboard of the leading chariot the boy looked up at the cliffs that hemmed them in. The sheer rock was pierced by the openings to the tombs of the old people that honeybed the cliff. The dark pits stared down at him like the implacable eyes of a legion of djinn. Prince Nefer Memnon shuddered and looked away, furtively making the sign to avert evil with his left hand. Over his shoulder he glanced back down the column and saw that from the foll
标 题: 绝密档案:中国富豪第一桶金挖掘的九大方式发信站: 北大未名站 (2002年10月23日23:43:26 星期三), 转信欢迎大家来水木business参与讨论,多多交流发信人: CIE (我要上福布斯!!!), 信区: Business标 题: 绝密档案:中国富豪第一桶金挖掘的九大方式发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sat Oct 19 10:39:26 2002), 转信据《科学投资》研究,中国富豪挖掘第一桶金的方法不下50种。以读者习惯的武林招式来比喻,也就是不下50式。《科学投资》总结出其中活色生香,可供创业者活学活用之9式,贡献如下。 第1式:快半拍 典型代表:杨斌 第一桶金:2000万美元 可效仿指数:★★★☆...
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I HAD BEEN making the rounds of the Sacrifice Poles the day we heard my brother had escaped. I already knew something was going to happen; the Factory told me. At the north end of the island, near the tumbled remains of the slip where the handle of the rusty winch still creaks in an easterly wind, I had two Poles on the far face of the last dune. One of the Poles held a rat head with two dragonflies, the other a seagull and two mice. I was just sticking one of the mouse heads back on when the birds went up into the evening air, kaw-calling and screaming, wheeling ov
THE girl walked past the secretary who held the door open, and surveyed the law office with eyes that showed just a trace of panic. The secretary gently closed the door and the girl selected an old fashioned, high-backed, black leather chair. She sat down in it, crossed her legs, pulled her skirt down over her knees, and sat facing the door. After a moment, she pulled the skirt up for an inch or two, taking some pains to get just the effect she wanted. Then she leaned back so that her spun-gold hair showed to advantage against the shiny black leather of the big
To even the least sensitive and perceptive beholder the Morning Rose, at this stage of her long and highly chequered career, must have seemed ill-named, for if ever a vessel could fairly have been said to be approaching, if not actually arrived at, the sunset of her days it was this one. Officially designated an Arctic Steam Trawler, the Morning Rose, 560 gross tons, 173 feet in length, 30 in beam and with a draught, unladen but fully provisioned with fuel and water, of 14.3 feet, had, in fact, been launched from the Jarrow slipways as far back as 1926, the year of the G